What is Diagnosis to Destiny

Diagnosis to Destiny is a tribe and a crusade. I am Melanie (introductions forthcoming), the Chief Visionary, and I write this blog. Diagnosis to Destiny is many things. I look forward to sharing all that it is and means to me. But, at its core, Diagnosis to Destiny is my promises to me (hence, the picture of the rainbow). Promises I made after my cancer diagnosis when I contemplated the next chapters of my life a lot during my hospital stays, late night after visiting hours, or when I was alone or in the chemo lounge.

First, I’d redefine my new normal to be anything but normal. Second, I’d pursue and achieve all of my deferred dreams, chemo derailed dreams or dreams that I had been too scared to fully imagine.  I learned many survival lessons after my diagnosis that are great lessons for chasing and achieving dreams. Third, if this was not my end it would be my new beginning. Fourth, I’d share my lessons and work with other cancer survivors to help them keep their promises to themselves.  I’m working every day to make good on my promises. Please join me. Let’s do this together!

Celebrate with us.  National Cancer Survivors Day® Celebration – THIS IS MY MOMENT.  Free online celebration.  Sunday, June 6, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Time.  Registration at https://thisismymomentcancersurvivor.eventbrite.com


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